Hey, it’s wonderful to welcome you here.
Throughout my career, I have had the pleasure of working with countless people just like you – helping them regain strength, movement, mobility and confidence following breast cancer.
What many people don’t realise is it can be a long road to recovery, once breast cancer treatment has finished. They ask “how can I get back to doing the things I love quickly and get the most out of my life?”
The Strength ABC program is specially designed to do just that – improve strength, flexibility and self-confidence so you can get back to doing the things you love sooner.
I look forward to working with you.
Kate. X

Kate Perkins is a passionate practitioner in the field of breast cancer rehabilitation — dedicated to helping each and every one of her clients return to living a life they love as soon as possible.
Facilitator of the Strength ABC Program and Founder of Lymphatic Solutions, Kate holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of Sydney. She is also a qualified Lymphoedema Practitioner, Cancer Rehabilitation Occupational Therapist and a member of the Australasian Lymphology Association.
Are you feeling frustrated by your breast cancer recovery?
There is nothing more frustrating or confidence-crushing, as wanting to return to your life before breast cancer, yet not having the physical or mental strength to know where to start.
Recovery from any illness or injury can sometimes be a long and challenging process.
It can be even more exasperating if you are working hard, but aren’t seeing any noticeable improvement.
The good news is, there is a way to achieve real improvement in both your physical and mental health after breast cancer, and the Strength ABC program will guide you through it step-by-step.
Do one or more of these ring true for you?
Do you have restricted movement in your arms, shoulders and across your chest?
Are you finding that you are having difficulty performing the simplest of movements such as lifting your arms above shoulder height to wash your hair or hang out washing?
Do you experience weakness in lifting, carrying and performing everyday activities?
Have you been diagnosed with lymphoedema or are you at risk of developing lymphoedema following breast cancer treatment?
Do you want to improve your confidence, self-esteem, body image and build your body’s functional capacity, as well as increase your energy levels after breast cancer?
If one (or more) of these sounds like you…
The Strength ABC program may be just the answer you’re looking for to once again take control of your life and get back to doing the things you love best.
Who is the Strength ABC program for?
If you want to improve your strength, movement, mobility and confidence following breast cancer treatment, then this program is for you.
Why will this program work for you?
Because getting these results when you’re recovering from breast cancer can be really hard to achieve on your own.
You need a program that will guide you through step-by-step, based on your individual situation and circumstance.
Strength ABC is an evidence-based, progressive, stretching and strengthening program designed to build endurance and strength.
This program will provide you with an individualised home exercise regimen and educate you on how to safely work toward a full recovery, and help you to lead an active and fulfilling life.
Clinically proven outcomes include:
- 70% decrease in the onset of Breast Cancer Related Lymphoedema (BCRL);
- 50% reduction in the likelihood of already-developed lymphoedema becoming worse;
- Increase in bone density;
- Reduction in cancer recurrences;
- Reduction in overall body fat; and
- Improvement in posture, body image, functional capacity and energy levels.
Introducing the self-guided program: Let’s talk details!
Here’s what we will cover in each module…
Module 1: Stretching exercises for Strength After Breast Cancer
* 8 step-by-step videos on stretches to increase how easily you can raise your arm without pain. You can start to do every day activities instead of feeling restricted every time you do something you always took for granted
* Strategic exercises in the exact order you need to master them so you are confident you are increasing movement without fear of doing damage to your healing scars.
* Upper and Lower body exercises you can use every day specific for preparing your body for better mobility and strength after breast cancer
* Step-by-step colour photographs and written instructions so you can choose to re-watch videos or follow the visual instruction guide as you practice each exercise.
(NB: stretching alone does not release scar tissue. If you can, find a breast cancer rehab therapist who provides Low Level Laser Therapy and manual techniques to release tight scars)
Module 2: Core Exercises for Strength After Breast Cancer
* 3 Simple but incredibly powerful core exercise videos demonstrating 3 exercises that will help you to develop a strong and stable foundation to build your strength on.
* Focus on breathing techniques, posture and the “magic 3” for stable shoulders, abdomen and pelvis. You’ll prepare your body to easily advance to the strength exercises in module 3.
* Step-by-step colour photographs and written instructions so you can choose to re-watch videos or follow the visual instruction guide as you practice each exercise.
Module 3: Strengthening Exercises with Weights for Strength After Breast Cancer
* 11 videos to safely and gradually increase your strength for both your upper and lower body …you want to be strong all over!
* A focus on safety and expertise. • Throughout the videos you will hear me say many times, “Start low and progress slow!”. I encourage you to start with a low weight, 0.5kg or 1kg, so you can perform each movement correctly, and safely before progressing to a heavier weight.
* Specific exercises for strength after breast cancer designed to improve the efficiency of the lymphatic system; increase strength and endurance for lifting, and to perform day to day activities.
* By the end of this module you’ll have the added benefit of increased energy levels to enable you to do the things you love doing.
* Step-by-step colour photographs and written instructions so you can choose to re-watch videos or follow the visual instruction guide as you practice each exercise.
How Is The Strength ABC Program Delivered?
* All training resources are delivered through a secure online members portal where you can access them 24 hours a day, from any computer or phone, so you can continue the program from home or when travelling.
* Each module is designed so exercises you complete in one module, prepare you for more advanced exercises in the next module, so you build momentum as the program progresses. Your strength and flexibility will increase at just the right rate for you.
* Short and clear videos with your expert instructor, Kate, demonstrating each exercise, as if you are in her clinic with her.
* Comprehensive workbook with all exercises and background knowledge clearly explained. PDF so you can choose to print out and store in a folder or open the manual on your computer, phone or tablet.
* Beautiful, clear photos of each exercise for easy reference so you know you are always doing the exercises correctly, even if you have only watched the videos once.
*Plus so much more……
What equipment do you need?
If you have some wall space you are halfway there!
Get yourself some 0.5kg or 1kg hand weights to start off with. It’s important to start low with the strength exercises to ensure you are performing the exercises correctly without risk of injury.
You can use a towel or yoga mat for comfort for the floor work.
If you don’t have an exercise bench for the step-ups, stairs will do the job.
Why I Made this Program Available Online
As a cancer rehab OT and Lymphoedema Therapist I noticed I was getting more and more clients seeking me out who were recovering from Breast Cancer surgery.
What many people don’t realise is it can be a long road to recovery, once breast cancer treatment has finished. They ask “how can I get back to doing the things I love quickly and get the most out of my life?”
I enjoyed seeing the great results these women could get when I worked with them, even for just a few weeks, and especially loved seeing their confidence, energy and strength return so they could throw themselves into living the life, many feared could have been cut short.
They were able to catch up on the life they were missing while so sick.
My passion for helping these women has lead me to do further advanced training, to help them further and the word started to spread.
The result?
I have had such a fantastic response from the clients that I work with, which has lead me to being completely booked out.
I am only able to help a small number of women through my Central Coast clinic and I know there are women unable to access services, who I can help with the exercises and guidance I give my clients in my private clinic.
I want to be able to help more people, so that is why I created the video suite for on-line easy access.
With a professional videographer I have created a suite of videos of all the exercises I supervise with my face to face clients, explaining how to perform each exercise correctly and safely.
I’ve also made available, a comprehensive manual with step-by-step colour photographs and instructions so women can confidently and safely do these exercises at home, in their own time, as part of their care they receive from their local medical team.
The result is the Online Strength ABC Program
And, I have seen such amazing results!
What are you waiting for?
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